ACTION: Help San Francisco Go Furless - Sign the Petition Today!

San Francisco is on its way to becoming the first major U.S. city and the third city in California to prohibit the sale of new fur. West Hollywood was the pioneer in 2013, and Berkley’s ban went into effect last year. While this would not apply to second hand fur (with the exception of endangered animals), it would still be a major win for animal rights.
Wayne Hsiung, co-founder of animal rights organization Direct Action Everywhere (DxE), states that the ban in San Francisco will be symbolic since “St. Francis — for whom the city is named — is the patron saint of animals.”
Sponsored by Supervisor Katy Tang with support from animal activist groups such as DxE and PETA, many have rallied to have this legislation taken into consideration. The vote by the Board of Supervisors is set to take place on February 20th. Should it pass, the law is expected to go into effect January 1, 2019.
The demand to end the cruelty behind the fur farming industry is becoming a global movement. January 2018 saw a ban from Norway that will result in over 300 fur farms being shut down and nearly 1 million animals being spared. The United Kingdom, Austria, and the Czech Republic are among many other countries that have put an end to fur farms.
First step, San Francisco. Next step, California. Soon after, the world.
There is still time to get involved by signing the petition and showing your support!
Beatrice Iza Lajeunesse —
Make it stop
Gisela Vea —
Ban fur forever!
DOreen Monnay —
There is no need for fur! Why promote cruelty just for esthetic reasons? Humans should be above that.
This would be such an awesome thing to happen!
Trina Malone —
Please pass this legislation to ban the sale of real fur. It’s better for you, for the animals, and for our planet to be a more aware and loving community
Sarah Dahlgren —
The torture and abuse of animals as a result of human beings is not “fashionable”, nor should it be legal anywhere for fur to be worn on anything besides the animals.
Ivett Yareth —
We lived in a world with multiple choices to dress up, be a fashion human being , wear love and respect to the animals ??